Cancellation conditions

Cancellation conditions

1. Cancellation before shipment

You can cancel your order before it is shipped . To do this, contact our customer service as soon as possible at or by phone at +33 1 23 45 67 89 .

If the order is cancelled before shipment, a full refund will be issued within 3-5 business days .

2. Cancellation after shipment

Once your order has been shipped, it cannot be cancelled. However, you have a 14-day right of withdrawal after receipt to return the products, in accordance with our Return Policy .

3. Custom Orders

Personalized or custom-made items cannot be cancelled or refunded , except in the event of a defect or non-conformity.

4. Refund in case of cancellation

All refunds are made via the same payment method used for purchase.

Processing times may vary depending on your bank, but do not exceed 7 business days .

5. How to cancel an order?

To cancel an order, please provide the following information in your email or call:


Order number

Reason for cancellation (optional)

Quick FAQ:

Can I cancel an order after 24 hours?

Yes, as long as the order has not yet been shipped.

Are delivery charges refunded in case of cancellation?

Yes, if the order is cancelled before shipping. Otherwise, return fees may apply as per our Return Policy.

For any questions, do not hesitate to contact us:

Email :

Phone : +33 1 23 45 67 89

Thank you for your understanding!

a. Would you like to include a specific policy for urgent or express orders?

b. Do you want suggestions for automating cancellation confirmations in Shopify?